Art Club at The Martitime Museum

Freelance project commissions starting October 2022 - April 2023

Royal Museums Greenwich comprises the Royal Observatory, Cutty Stark, National Maritime Museum and the Queen’s House, as well as an open storage facility the Prince Phillip Maritime Collections Centre. Together they aim to enrich people’s understanding of our relationship with the sea, the exploration of space, and Britain’s role in World History.

The Saturday Art Club is hosted on Saturday mornings for young people aged 13-16 years and is part of the UK-wide National Saturday Club initiative. The club provides a platform for young people to learn new creative skills, gain Bronze Arts Award accreditation, be inspired by the Museum’s collections, and socialise with their peers. As a tutor I designed and delivered 21 creative sessions covering a range of different art forms and topics, at all times, drawing upon the unique collections and providing high-quality creative experiences. I worked with staff to organise trips away from the museum to enable the young people to encounter the arts more widely and supported them in creating portfolios to achieve Arts Award accreditation.

The Summer Show was hosted at Somerset House, an exhibition celebrating the work created by the young people during their year attending the Saturday Art Club.

To find out more click the logos below…

Royal Museums Greenwich Arts Award Log Book

To improve the delivery of the Arts Award for future programmes, I designed a log book for Royal Museums Greenwich. (Link coming soon)


Disability Progression


Young Dover